Anniversary party raises funds for British Heart Foundation

[caption id="attachment_7260" align="alignleft" width="300"]Glyn and Carol Davies raised £1,925.00 through their 40th wedding anniversary for BHF Cymru. Glyn and Carol Davies raised £1,925.00 through their 40th wedding anniversary for BHF Cymru.[/caption]

Farmers’ Union of Wales Gwent County Executive Officer, Glyn Davies and his wife Carol, recently celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary and raised  £1,925.00 in the process for British Heart Foundation Cymru.

The couple celebrated with friends and family at Church Farm, Mynyddislwyn, home of FUW members Steve and Joy Powell.

In place of cards or presents, Glyn and Carol asked for donations to be made to BHF Cymru and all bar profits from the night were also donated to the charity.

Glyn Davies said: “I am sure everyone knows someone who has been affected by heart problems and it is pleasing to contribute to the efforts of the British Heart Foundation in fighting heart disease. Carol and myself would like to thank all those who donated to the event in support of BHF Cymru and for joining us in celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary.”

[caption id="attachment_7261" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The ladies from the Gwent office joined Glyn Davies for the 40th wedding anniversary celebrations at Church Farm. The ladies from the Gwent office joined Glyn Davies for the 40th wedding anniversary celebrations at Church Farm.[/caption]