FUW holds successful NVZ road show

[caption id="attachment_6303" align="alignleft" width="300"]FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright[/caption]

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has hosted a successful Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZs) road show for its members across Wales, in order to highlight the proposed changes to NVZs and to get members views on the consultation document.

FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright said: “As stipulated in the EC Nitrates Directive, the Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales, have undertaken a review of the existing NVZ areas in Wales, and have assessed if any new areas need to be designated.”

Two options are outlined in the consultation, namely, the continuation of the discrete approach to designation or the designation of the whole of Wales as a NVZ. A continuation of the discrete approach would see an increase in the amount land designated as an NVZ in Wales from 2.4% to 8%.

Dr Wright added: “The Union has been involved in the review and has made its concerns clear over the past months. We have held constructive meetings with our membership across Wales and will submit an official response to the consultation by the end of December. If any of our members have not made their voice heard on this yet, I urge them to contact their county office as soon as possible.”