Extra funding for Wales needs to be targeted at improving broadband for rural communities, FUW says

News that Wales is to benefit from an additional £400 million to its capital budget has been welcomed by the Farmers’ Union of Wales.

However, the Union stresses that Welsh Government should focus their support on rural communities and improving living standards, with broadband being an area that requires urgent attention.

In his Autumn Statement, Chancellor Philip Hammond said: “The investments I have outlined today will have benefits right across the Union. Research and development funding will benefit the United Kingdom as a whole and where responsibility for infrastructure investment rests with the devolved administration in Wales, they will receive the appropriate funding share.

“It is also great news that today I can also confirm wider investments for Wales including working towards new city deals, better broadband and more money for research and development.”

Commenting on the news, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “An extra £400 million for the Welsh economy is welcome news, but the Union urges the Welsh Government to ensure that the money is used to make urgent improvements to our rural areas, including broadband available for rural businesses and communities.

“Our rural towns and villages have been left behind in the race for better and faster connectivity and it is critical for the sake of rural businesses and the economy, that tangible improvements are made now. 2 percent of our population produce around 60 percent of our food. Yet there is a significant part of that 2 percent who remain unable to connect to the internet from their farms.”

The FUW has stressed on many occasions that those without a connection cannot diversify their businesses, that they cannot support children with homework as many need to do and that they cannot connect readily with Government programmes for advice and support payments as they are mandated to do.

“Government talks about ‘future proofing’ our economy in light of Brexit and investment in broadband should therefore be a top priority for the Welsh administration, given the wider economic benefits it will bring to our rural communities,” added Mr Roberts.