Farmers embrace first aid training

[caption id="attachment_7375" align="alignleft" width="300"]FUW member Steve Smith administering a shock to Little Annie as part of the first aid training FUW member Steve Smith administering a shock to Little Annie as part of the first aid training[/caption]

Farmers in Montgomeryshire were concerned about their lack of knowledge of basic first aid and using a Defibrillator following a tragic incident at their local mart.

To increase their confidence and knowledge on how to deal with a cardiac arrest, the Montgomeryshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales invited Paramedic and Welshpool First Responder, Ianto Guy, to their recent County Executive Meeting for a First Aid seminar.

During the seminar Mr Guy emphasised the importance of basic first aid knowledge, particularly for farmers, and discussed with members what to do if faced with someone suffering a cardiac arrest.

He provided a practical demonstration using a Resuscitation Annie and showed farmers two different types of defibrillator, explaining how they work and how to use them.

[caption id="attachment_7376" align="alignright" width="300"]Ianto Guy helps FUW Montgomeryshire County Chairman Mark Williams and FUW member Alwyn Watkins with their first aid skills Ianto Guy helps FUW Montgomeryshire County Chairman Mark Williams and FUW member Alwyn Watkins with their first aid skills[/caption]

Emyr Wyn Davies, the FUW’s Montgomeryshire County Executive Officer said: “I would like to thank Mr Guy for the free seminar, which our members found very useful. It was great to have some ‘hands on’ training and we all had a go at using a defibrillator and practised chest compressions. Ianto also modelled how to perform rescue breaths.

“Thanks to the practice we have had, we all feel more confident now in providing the very first aid if someone is suffering from cardiac arrest.”

Farmers were also made aware of where Defibrillators are located in their local communities.

fuw-first-aid-1As a thank you to Mr Guy, the Montgomeryshire branch of the FUW donated £100 to Welshpool First Responders.