Roast Welsh Beef Sirloin with chestnuts, stilton and chives

Planning ahead for your Sunday roast next weekend? Why not give this recipe a try?


[caption id="attachment_7465" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Roast Welsh Beef Sirloin with chestnuts, stilton and chives Roast Welsh Beef Sirloin with chestnuts, stilton and chives[/caption]


Recipe information

Serves: 6

Cooking time: 120 mins


  • Welsh Beef sirloin joint
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 6 Welsh Beef sausages, skins removed
  • 50g (2oz) dried natural breadcrumbs
  • 15ml (1tbsp) oil
  • 75g (3oz) vacuum packed peeled chestnuts, chopped
  • 75g (3oz) stilton cheese, crumbed
  • 30ml (2tbsp) fresh Chives, chopped
  • 300ml (1/2pt) mulled wine (optional for gravy)



  1. Pre-heat your oven to Gas Mark 4, 180?C, 350?F. Cooking times: Rare – 20 minutes per 450g (1lb) plus 20 minutes Medium – 25 minutes per 450g (1lb) plus 25 minutes Well done – 30 minutes per 450g (1lb) plus 30 minutes
  2. Gently heat some oil in a pan and lightly soften the onion and garlic – once softened place in a bowl and allow to cool slightly.
  3. Once cooled add the Welsh Beef sausage meat, breadcrumbs, chestnuts, stilton and chives and mix together well. Shape half of the mixture into small sausages.
  4. With the sausage shapes complete, take a sharp knife and make a small slit in the joint of Welsh Beef – cut into the fat pocket. Take small spoonfuls of the stuffing and press it into the pocket that you’ve just created.
  5. Next, it’s time to weigh the joint and calculate the cooking time using the method above.
  6. Once you’ve made the calculations, place the joint in a shallow foil lined roasting tray and cook for the calculated time.
  7. When the joint is 30 minutes away from being cooked, place the stuffing ‘sausages’ into the oven.
  8. Remove the cooked joint from oven and allow to stand for at least 10-15 minutes.
  9. Pour all of the juices into a small pan along with the mulled wine and reduce.
  10. Serve thick slices of the Welsh Beef with stuffing, Yorkshire puddings and seasonal vegetables.