Meirionnydd AGM to explore the Future of Farming outside the European Union

What could the future in farming look like once the UK has made an exit from the European Union? With speculation of what Brexit might mean in terms of timescales, trade deals, and legislation changing on a daily basis, the industry is facing a level of uncertainty and risk not seen for generations.

To explore the topic further the Meirionnydd branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has invited a panel of high profile speakers to join them for their annual general meeting on Friday, January 27.

The meeting, sponsored by HSBC, is held at the Rugby Club Dolgellau and will start at 7pm.

Speaking on the night are Mr Tom Jones, a past FUW Vice President who represents Wales on the European Social and Economic Committee in Brussels, and is a Non-Executive Director at the Wales Office. He has  vast experience of representing the agricultural industry and rural areas and also the voluntary sector over many years.  He has a distinguished record of public service. Dr Prysor Williams, will also be on the panel of speakers. He is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management at Bangor University and has contributed immensely towards research projects and publications.

Agricultural Manager for HSBC in Mid Wales, Mr Huw Tudor, a farmer’s son from Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire will also address the meeting as part of the panel discussions.

“This is undoubtedly the biggest issue to affect farming in the near future  and it is no overstatement to say that the farming industry and our rural economies are facing the biggest challenge since the Second World War.

“Many of our young farmers, some in their teens and twenties, were heartbroken by the referendum result and what its implications would be for them and the future of our countryside. So what better incentive could there be for us as an industry and politicians on all sides of the debate to work to ensure there is a bright future for those who will take our places in the decades to come.

“So I invite you to join us for the evening's discussions and explore some ideas on the future for agriculture post-Brexit with us,” said FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones.

For more information on the event contact the Dolgellau office on 01341 422298.