Gwent farmers fill the air with glorious smells for Farmhouse breakfast week

[caption id="attachment_7629" align="alignleft" width="300"] Members of Gwent FUW enjoying breakfast at T? Oakley Farm.[/caption]

Farmers in Gwent recently came together to celebrate Farmhouse breakfast week and raise the profile of the farming industry.

Joining in the national Farmers’ Union of Wales campaign, the Gwent branch of the Union organised two breakfasts, which were held at Ty Oakley Farm, Hafodyrynys, Crumlin and at Llanellen Village Hall, Llanellen, Llanfoist, Abergavenny.

Farmers were joined by Nick Ramsey AM for Monmouthshire, Farm watch police officer Allan Mills, together with reps from the local Authority as well as friends and family of the FUW.

FUW Gwent County Executive Officer Glyn Davies said: “This Farmhouse breakfast week was about showcasing the most important meal of the day in a bid to raise awareness of the health and nutritional benefits of breakfast and the huge variety of top quality farm produce available in Wales – ranging from bacon, sausages and eggs to speciality dairy products, breads and cereals.

“It was also an opportunity to show decision makers and key stakeholders who joined us how vital a part farmers play in maintaining our rural communities, in sustaining a viable and profitable agricultural sector and of course producing excellent food.

[caption id="attachment_7630" align="alignright" width="300"] Nick Ramsay AM, FUW Gwent county chairman Chris Jones and West Gwent branch county chairman Les Murphy at the breakfast held at Llanellen Village Hall.[/caption]

“I would like to thank you all for your support at these events and thank you to those who supplied us with the breakfast produce. The eggs we had from Philip and Hazel Hunt were really tasty and the bacon and sausage from our local butchers were top quality!

“A special thank you also goes to Howard Vicary and Linda Seward for hosting the breakfast at Ty Oakley and FUW West Gwent Branch chairman Les Murphy and Linda Seward for cooking the breakfast at both events.”

The Gwent branch also raised £350 for the FUW President’s charity BHF Cymru.