FUW Insurance Service Ltd. recognises staff achievements with annual awards at AGM

[caption id="attachment_6445" align="alignleft" width="300"]Presenting the Business Development award to Account Executive Mrs Gwen Evans was FUW Insurance Services Ltd, Business Development Manager, Mr David Lush. Presenting the Business Development award to Account Executive Mrs Gwen Evans was FUW Insurance Services Ltd, Business Development Manager, Mr David Lush.[/caption]

FUW Insurance Services Ltd. staff have been recognised for their achievements with an array of awards at the Farmers’ Union of Wales annual general meeting.

FUW Insurance Services Ltd. awarded Account Executive Mrs Gwen Evans with the Business Development award, recognising an extremely successful year with a significant growth in her portfolio.

Mrs Evans is based at the FUW Insurance Services Ltd. office at Abergavenny, Gwent.

Presenting the award was FUW Insurance Services Ltd, Business Development Manager, Mr David Lush, who said: “Gwen has a constant and conscientious focus on gaining new business and has enjoyed great success through her professionalism and very high level of service to the customer.

“She has gained a very considerable number and value of new clients and policies and she ended the year with the highest level of new business written of all Account Executives in Wales.”

The award for Best Managed Portfolio was awarded to Account Executive Mr John Price, who is based at the Carmarthen Office.

“John has grown his portfolio significantly through both organic growth and new business. His portfolio is extremely well run in all respects and he delivers excellent customer service and is always willing to share his experience with colleagues,” said FUW Insurance Services Ltd. Managing Director Mark Roberts.

John, who was unable to accept the award in person, said: “This is very much a team effort from Carmarthen staff and I wish to add a particular thank you to Becci Heath, Angela Williams and Sam Evans for their continued support.”

The award was accepted on John’s behalf by FUW Insurance Services Ltd, Business Development Manager, Mr David Lush.