Just days left for politicians and civil servants to wake up to public concern regarding EU, warns FUW President

[caption id="attachment_6440" align="alignleft" width="200"]FUW President Glyn Roberts. FUW President Glyn Roberts.[/caption]

Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) President Glyn Roberts has repeated warnings made two years ago by former FUW President Emyr Jones, that politicians and officials have been sleepwalking towards the breakup of the European Union, by failing to recognise the genuine concerns of the electorate.

“I make no apology for having repeatedly highlighted the Union’s policy that we should remain within the EU,” said Glyn Roberts, stating that Welsh agriculture could only be better off outside the EU if every mainstream UK party made a complete U-turn on key agricultural policies published over the past twenty years.

“However, we are anything but EUrophiles or apologists for the EU and all its flaws and failings. Quite the contrary, our criticisms have been consistent,” he said.

Glyn Roberts reminded those present that his predecessor, former FUW President Emyr Jones, had warned in 2014 that the European Commission, EU politicians and civil servants were sleepwalking towards the breakup of the European Union, by failing to listen to the concerns of citizens in the UK and across Europe.

“If the electorate next week votes to remain in the EU, it should certainly not be seen as a seal of approval for either the current EU model or its direction of travel. Quite the opposite. We must see rapid changes which move us away from the precipice.

“Put simply, the vast and slow-moving machine which is the EU must find a reverse gear, which takes us back to something which is acceptable to a far greater proportion of its population.”

Glyn Roberts said that if the UK did vote to leave the EU, there should be a reversal of UK parties’ long-standing support for policies, which would decimate Welsh agriculture and leave rural areas facing levels of poverty not seen since the 1930s.

“Whichever way the vote goes next week, we remain dedicated to fighting for the interests of not only our members but our entire rural economy, our environment, and the very heart of Wales’ culture,” he added.