Riverlea depot closure is a sign of the times, FUW says

News that the Riverlea depot in Crymych will be closing due to difficulties in the rural economy, has been described as sad news but a sign of the times by the Farmers’ Union of Wales.

The agricultural machinery company has been based in the North Pembrokeshire village for over 50 years and employs up to 20 people there.

The business was established during the early 1960's and in a video published on the company's website, owner David Hill explains that workers will be offered posts at the company's other branch in Whitland - around 17 miles away.

Commenting on the news, FUW Managing Director Alan Davies, said: “This is a huge loss for the rural economy in North Pembrokeshire. Unfortunately it is a sign of the times and reinforces just how dependant these second and third sector businesses are on farming.

“20 jobs in Crymych are as important as hundreds in other parts of Wales. It's time for the WG to recognise that rural Wales needs support. We know that the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure Ken Skates is consulting on business support, and we will be responding accordingly, highlighting the need for more rural focus and less interest on attracting foreign investment.”