FUW reminds AMs of importance to tackle bovine TB ahead of Assembly debate

Welsh Assembly Members are today being reminded of the importance of tackling bovine TB effectively, by the Farmers’ Union Wales. The reminder comes five days before the issue of bovine TB is being discussed at the Assembly on Wednesday, September 28.

In a statement, FUW President Roberts said: “I would like to remind all Assembly Members of how critical it is that Welsh Government implements a strategy that effectively tackles bovine TB in both cattle and wildlife, without that happening it is hard to see how we can secure trade deals with European Nations post-Brexit.

“The total number of Welsh cattle slaughtered in 2015 due to bTB  has gone up by 27% from 2014 and now counts for  8,103 cattle slaughtered a year. That’s 675 cattle per month, 169 per week and 24 cattle slaughtered every day!

“I implore our elected members to not ignore those figures and to listen to the advice the Welsh Government has previously received.”

The 2012 report of the Bovine Tuberculosis Subgroup of the EU Task Force for Monitoring Animal Disease Eradication details that the European Commission have recognised the link between badgers and bovine TB transmission to cattle. The report also stressed that moving from a cull to a vaccination programme meant that the eradication programme in Wales had lost momentum.

Mr Roberts said that the official advice received by the Welsh Government in 2011 estimated that culling badgers in the Intensive Action Area could be expected to save farmers and government £31,000, whereas vaccination was likely to lead to a net cost of £3.5 million.

“As expected, the badger vaccination programme in the Intensive Action Area has not worked, and Welsh Government must grasp the nettle and tackle the disease in wildlife.

“Let me be absolutely clear: controlling the disease in both the cattle and badger populations remains imperative to achieving bovine TB eradication in Wales - this is for the sake of our future, our children's future and with that securing trade deals for the UK as whole in light of our exit from the European Union,” added Mr Roberts.