FUW promotes benefits of milk and udder-things to Aberystwyth Freshers

[caption id="attachment_7012" align="alignleft" width="300"]FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones promotes benefits of milk and udder-things at Aberystwyth University Freshers Fair FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones promotes benefits of milk and udder-things at Aberystwyth University Freshers Fair[/caption]

Aberystwyth freshers today learnt about the health benefits of drinking milk and making it part of their daily diet, as the Farmers’ Union of Wales handed out free flavoured milk samples to students on campus.

Joining the Aberystwyth University Freshers Fair was FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones, who said: “Drinking milk and making it part of your daily diet is so underrated and I am really pleased that we got that message across to first year students here today. Milk and dairy products have an important part to play in our daily diet as they provide an important source of protein and calcium and contain essential vitamins and minerals, all of which are needed for a balanced diet.

“There are many other benefits associated with drinking milk, some of which our students were not aware of. For example, it has been said that thanks to the many vitamins and minerals that are in milk, it can work as a stress reliever. After a long, hard day at of lectures and studying, sit down and drink a warm glass of milk. It really can help to relieve muscle tension and soothe your nerves.

fuw-milk-3“Milk is great for many things and can also help in boosting your energy. When you’re struggling to get through the day and you need a little pick-me-up, an ice cold glass of milk can help you feel revitalised in no time and is much healthier than many sugary energy drinks.”

The FUW further encouraged Freshers to make sure they buy Welsh milk and dairy products when out doing their weekly shopping.

“We also used this opportunity to encourage students to make sure they buy Welsh milk and dairy products such as butter, cheese and yoghurts. With that they support our home dairy industries and of course all those second and third sector businesses associated with agriculture. Our dairy farmers have had a rough ride over recent years and need all the support they can get - buying Welsh produce whenever we can is something everyone of us can do to support the cause and boost the rural economy in doing so,” she added.

[caption id="attachment_7013" align="aligncenter" width="300"]FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones and Aberystwyth University Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones and Aberystwyth University Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan[/caption]