FUW warns farmers to be on the lookout for thieves following stolen cattle

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding farmers across Wales to be vigilant following the report of stolen cattle worth £16,000 in the Carmarthen area.

Union member Mr and Mrs T Williams of Bronallt Farm, Llangadog, reported the theft of a 4 month old calf, 3 in calf heifers and 11 suckler cows to Dyfed Powys Police on Friday, September 30.

David Waters, the FUW County Executive Officer in Carmarthen, said: “I urge all farmers to take note of anything suspicious they may see happening in the countryside and report it to their local rural crime officer immediately. As the days get shorter this time of year, some may fancy their chances and steal livestock and farm machinery, which has devastating consequences for our farm businesses and is of course also extremely stressful for the families.”

Mr Waters stressed that farmers should enrol in the Farm Watch Scheme and the OWL system (http://www.owl.co.uk/index.htm ), under which any reports of suspicious vehicles or persons can be reported and forwarded to other members of Farm Watch.

“It is only by uniting and co-operating that the whole farming community can combat such farm thefts. Anyone who has information about the theft of Mr Williams cattle should contact PC Gareth Thomas (PC711), providing case number AA0/0711/29/09/2016/01/C as a reference.”