FUW Anglesey turn pink for Breast Cancer awareness month

[caption id="attachment_7101" align="alignleft" width="300"]FUW Anglesey County Executive Officer Heidi Williams has herself lost family and friends to cancer and is proud to be supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month FUW Anglesey County Executive Officer Heidi Williams has herself lost family and friends to cancer and is proud to be supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month[/caption]

To raise awareness of Breast Cancer in October the Farmers’ Union of Wales Anglesey office of has turned pink.

FUW Anglesey County Executive Officer Heidi Williams said: “Every year nearly 60,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK, that’s the equivalent of one person every 10 minutes and 1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. It is the most common cancer in women in the UK and nearly 12,000 people die from breast cancer in the UK every year.”

Heidi Williams, who herself has lost family and friends to the diseases added: “The breast cancer survival rate has improved over the years and now more than eight out of 10 (85%) people survive breast cancer beyond five years, and that is down to better awareness, life saving research and earlier diagnosis. However, 1 in 7 women aged 50-70 who attend routine mammograms never check their breasts for signs of cancer outside these appointments. By turning the office pink here in Llangefni we hope to raise awareness of the disease that still affects too many women.”

For care, support and information, call Breast Cancer Care free on 0808 800 600