FUW Meirionnydd discuss #FarmingMatters with Meirion Dwyfor MP

[caption id="attachment_7223" align="aligncenter" width="300"]pennal-farm-visit From left, Sion Evans, Liz Saville Roberts MP, Hywel Evans and Meirionnydd County Chairman Euros Puw.[/caption]

The Meirionnydd branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has hosted a farm visit to discuss #FarmingMatters with Meirion Dwyfor MP Liz Saville Roberts.

The visit was held on Friday, November 4, at Marchlyn, Pennal near Machynlleth and was hosted by FUW members Sion Evans and his parents Hywel and Ceinwen Evans.

The farm extends to 360 acres, all of which is improved land with approximately 25 acres kept for silage. Stocking consists of 25 suckler cows and 550 ewes - mainly Welsh mountain in a self contained flock.

The family joined the Glastir Entry scheme in 2014, and see farming and conservation going hand in hand.

They have also diversified into tourism, with farm buildings having been renovated as Bed and Breakfast accommodation.

Speaking about the diversification of the farm business, Sion Evans, said: “Income streams from diversifications are crucial for when farming itself is not so profitable. For many it is absolutely essential to add that second or third income avenue as it helps to consolidate the business. Diversification into tourism really helps us keep going and it maintains the family farm structure, which is the backbone of farming in Wales and adds so much value to the rural economy.”

In addition, the farm income is supplemented by Sion working on local farms as a contractor for mainly shearing and fencing.

FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones, said: “This was an excellent opportunity to have detailed discussion about farming matters and the rural economy, and to hear first hand from Sion and Hywel about what challenges they are currently facing. I would like to thank the Evans family for hosting the visit and of course I would like to thank Liz Saville Roberts for meeting us at the farm.”