BBC Wales Environment Correspondent recognised with FUW award

BBC Wales Environment Correspondent recognised with FUW award

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has once again recognised an outstanding journalist with the Bob Davies memorial award.

Through the award the FUW recognises the vital role the media play in highlighting farming and rural affairs issues and bringing the countryside closer to those who may not be directly involved with the industry.

Bob Davies, who lived in Welshpool, Powys, worked for the national magazine Farmers' Weekly for 44 years. He covered a variety of issues affecting rural life during his career, including foot-and-mouth outbreaks and BSE.

Speaking at the award presentation, FUW President Ian Rickman said: “The media have an incredibly important role to play when it comes to highlighting why farming matters.

“Tonight we thank BBC Environment Correspondent Steffan Messenger for his excellent work. He has not just helped us highlight the utter heartbreak and devastation livestock attacks have on our farmers, but has addressed many of the issues that concern us such as the effects of Brexit, county council farms, and NVZ issues. He has done so in a sympathetic way and has documented the changes, ups and downs of our industry with accuracy and empathy.”