Former Welsh rugby international Rupert Moon will be on familiar ground as master of ceremonies at a special dinner at Parc Y Scarlets, Llanelli, organised by the Farmers' Union of Wales' Carmarthenshire county office as part of the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) 150th anniversary celebrations.

RABI is the main charity solely dedicated to assisting the farming community and during 2009 it "expended" £282,103 in Wales in support of beneficiaries - far in excess of the £29,386 raised in Wales by various county committees.

"In Carmarthenshire RABI expended £67,034 during 2009 while the total the county's committees raised was £6,225," said FUW's county executive officer Meinir Bartlett.

Proceeds from the dinner - to be held on Thursday, November 4 - will be donated to RABI. "It is anticipated that a number of Scarlets players will be present and I am delighted to confirm that the main speaker will be First Minister Carwyn Jones AM.

"Rural affairs minister Elin Jones, FUW president Gareth Vaughan and RABI chairman Julian Sayers will also be attending."

Tickets for the three-course meal at £25 can be obtained by contacting Meinir Bartlett at the FUW County Office, 13A Barn Road, Carmarthen, SA31 1DD. Tel: 01267 237974.