The Welsh Assembly Governments’ controversial Glastir scheme application packs and pre-populated application forms will be sent out today Monday October 4 to those farmers who expressed an interest in the scheme on their 2010 Single Application Form (SAF).

The scheme will be introduced in January 2012 and will replace the existing four schemes - Tir Gofal, Tir Cynnal, Tir Mynydd and the Organic Farming Scheme.

The Farmers’ Union of Wales Land use and Parliamentary Committee Chairman, Richard Vaughan, said today that “whilst the Union continues to have serious misgivings about aspects of Glastir, including the lack of information available on the targeted element of the scheme, it encourages farmers to look carefully at their options to avoid being disadvantaged at a later stage especially when details of the Targeted Element become clearer.”

The packs sent to farmers will include detailed maps of the land applicants intend to enter into Glastir and will display certain land characteristics which should help applicants choose their options.

“Farmers should take advantage of the Glastir surgeries to fully assess the implications of the scheme on their businesses and to consider specialist help if they are unsure of their ability to qualify, said Mr Vaughan”.