The lack of adequate broadband in several rural areas of Wales could be one of the reasons why farmers hate Christmas shopping, the Farmers' Union of Wales stressed today (Thursday, December 9).

Responding to a new survey which found a fifth of farmers detest Christmas shopping, FUW president Gareth Vaughan revealed he cannot access broadband services at his farm near Newtown.

"Most of the farmers I know do not have access to online shopping because they do not have access to broadband. So I'd be very surprised if this statistic represents a large cross-section of farmers."

The survey by online shopping website discovered that when it comes to Christmas shopping farmers hate the experience far more than any other profession. They go for the easy option and buy vouchers or give cash instead.

The website gathered the views of people in the UK and Ireland to find out what type of shopper we are - either Dodgers (who dodge buying presents and go for vouchers), Pinchers (penny-pinchers), Planners (never go shopping without a list) or Surprise Shoppers (who go that extra mile with gifts).

One farmer who took the test came out as a Dodger. "I have to admit the personality test rings true with me as I came out as a Dodger and I do hate shopping," said Jason Chipping.

"I can just about bring myself to shop online, but I can't stand trawling round the shops - there are so many better things to do!"

Mr Vaughan added: "If some farmers are a bit down about Christmas, it's probably because they associate it with a lot of hard work and bad weather. A farmer cannot take the day off work because of snow and ice as animals still need feeding, milking etc.

"For example, over the last week many farmers have been up all night in temperatures of minus 10 or lower trying to thaw out water-pipes or carrying water for their cattle to drink. Perhaps some just associate Christmas with this type of very hard work."

The survey by Viking Direct shows the armed forces and those in banking and finance are close behind farmers while scientists and travel agents are the least likely to dodge a trip round the shops in search of festive gifts!

The study also showed teachers are the biggest penny-pinchers, that teenagers hate the whole experience and that people in sales and marketing are the most thoughtful and generous!