Farmers' Union of Wales' Glamorgan and Gwent county branches have organised a joint open meeting on two topical agricultural issues to be held at the Royal Oak, Nelson, on Tuesday March 8 at 7.30pm.

Agricultural policy director Nick Fenwick will discuss the question "Common Agricultural Policy reform post 2013 - will there be any Single Farm Payment?" and two Welsh Assembly Government commons development officers Berry Coffman and David Parfitt will consider "Glastir for common land holders".

For more information contact FUW Glamorgan office on 01446 774838.

"The meeting will help inform farmers of the issues surrounding CAP reform if they decide to attend any of the four meetings being organised throughout Wales by Kay Swinburne MEP to discuss the CAP," said FUW Glamorgan county executive officer Adrian Evans.

Those meetings will be attended by representatives from the European Union agriculture committee and the European Commission.

They will take place on:

April 1 (from 6-9pm) at Glyndwr University, St Asaph;

April 8 (6-9pm) at the Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells;

April 27 (6-9pm) at Haverfordwest (tbc);

April 28 (6-9pm) at the Bridges Community Centre, Monmouth.

For more information call 029 20628 685 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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