How fast can a turkey run and how much water does a cow drink in a day are just two of the questions posed in a children's quiz to be held by the Farmers' Union of Wales on their stand at the Pembrokeshire County Show (August 16-18).

"The competition will be based on facts about farm produce which children will be able to find around the stand," said the union's Pembrokeshire county executive officer Rebecca Williams.

"The facts will range from how much water a cow drinks during the day to how fast a turkey can run but they will also cover issues such as what different products come from different animals.

"For example, we get milk and meat from cows but we also get leather, gelatine for sweets and fats and fatty acids which are used in shampoos and perfumes.

"The aim is to give children a better understanding of the importance of agriculture in the wider world environment and the impact that its produce has on lots of day-to-day activities."

The winning entry will be drawn at 4pm on the Thursday of the show (August 18).

FUW Insurance Services are also running a free prize draw, sponsored by Agri-Lloyd, on the stand throughout the show. Showgoers will be asked to complete an enquiry card and the winner's name will be drawn immediately after the children's quiz draw.

Staff from Environment Agency Wales will be on the stand every day between 10am and 2pm to provide advice to farmers on a wide range of issues, from the benefits of soil testing to nutrient management.

And staff from Oswestry-based Davis Meade Property Consultants will also provide advice on a variety of issues, ranging from rent reviews to compensation claims, and give advice about on-farm renewable energy options.

There will also be meetings between local politicians and FUW national and county officers plus the presentation of the county branch's annual Countryside Award in the grand arena at 2.45pm on Tuesday (August 16).