A Farmers' Union of Wales delegation's four-day Brussels visit to discuss reform of the Common Agricultural Policy for 2014-2020 had an eventful start today.

The five-strong group is meeting MEPs from across the EU and senior EC and Welsh Government Brussels-based officials in a visit coinciding with crucial CAP discussions by the Council of Ministers and the EU Agriculture Committee.

But during their first meeting at the European Parliament building with UKIP MEP John Stuart Agnew, a member of the EC's agriculture and rural development committee, all staff and visitors were evacuated due to a massive power cut.

"We had a very constructive meeting with Mr Agnew, who is a farmer himself and fully understands the issues we discussed." said FUW president Emyr Jones.

"But it was only after the meeting ended that we realised the building had been evacuated.

"We were among the last few to leave the building.

"Hundreds had already left and we joined them outside on the concourse.

"We hope power will be restored quickly so we can resume our vital talks tomorrow," Mr Jones added.