Welsh farmers will have an opportunity to voice their views about the EC's CAP proposals on Thursday October 20 during a conference organised by the union at Aberystwyth Art Centre under the theme "Unravelling CAP Reform".

"Bearing in mind that the EC is expected to reveal its CAP reform proposals next Wednesday October 12, this conference will provide a very timely opportunity to hear the views of our speakers and delegates," said FUW president Emyr Jones.

The speakers will be: Tassos Haniotis, Director of Economic Analysis, Perspectives and Evaluations at the EC Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Developments; George Lyon MEP, former Rapporteur for the EU Agricultural Committee; Jeremy Walker, National Chairman of the Tenant Farmers' Association and Dr Nick Fenwick, FUW Director of Agricultural Policy.

"The conference will provide an ideal opportunity to hear about developments to date and the likely impact of CAP reform on the agriculture, economy, and landscape of Wales and similar regions," said Mr Jones.