[caption id="attachment_4538" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Brian Richards Brian Richards[/caption]

Failure of the Welsh bovine TB review panel to report to Minister John Griffiths in a timely manner could add to the number of cattle slaughtered and the suffering of farming families, according to the Farmers' Union of Wales dairy committee.

Newly-appointed committee vice chairman Brian Richards, who has lost 13 cattle over the past two years due to the disease, said today: "Bovine TB continues to ravage our communities, and has already led to the slaughter of around 6,000 cattle in Wales in 2011.

"The impact in terms of animal welfare and the emotional and financial effect it has on farming families is acute."

Mr Richards, of Pontarddulais, Carmarthenshire, said that, while committee members were extremely critical of the Welsh Government's decision to repeat work which had been already done, they fully recognised the magnitude of the task given to the new TB panel.

"However, committee delegates urged the panel members to do everything within their power to ensure they report back to the Minister as soon as is possible.

"Every day that goes past means more suffering for animals and more psychological devastation for families. We cannot afford to suffer any more avoidable delays."