The Farmers' Union of Wales today urged farmers to check if any of their land is to be listed as a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) following the Welsh Government's recent review of the Nitrates Directive in Wales.

"After consideration of consultation responses to the review and recommendations by the Environment Agency, the Welsh Government has decided which areas they are minded to designate as NVZs in Wales," said Anglesey farmer Gavin Williams, chairman of the FUW's land use and parliamentary committee.

"These designations will either designate land which has not previously been designated or continue an existing designation. Anyone wishing to appeal against the designation must do so no later than Monday July 9."

This weekend the Welsh Government is writing to farmers identified as likely to own or occupy land that falls within a proposed NVZ.

The letters warn that if they are not the sole owner and occupier of the land, they must bring the letter to the attention of any other owner or occupier so that they can consider whether to appeal against the proposed designation.

Detailed maps showing the proposed NVZs can be viewed on the Environment Agency website at:

Alternatively, maps and supporting information can be obtained from the Environment Agency by calling 03708 506 506.

Anyone who believes their land does not drain to water identified as polluted and/or the water the land drains to should not be designated as polluted can appeal against the proposed designation.

Information regarding the appeals process and an appeals application form can be found on the Planning Portal website at:

This information can also be requested from The Planning Inspectorate by calling 02920 823866.