The Farmers' Union of Wales - one of 12 organisations that have signed the On-Farm Health & Safety Charter for Wales - is joining forces with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Mid and West Wales Fire Service to get the health and safety message across to farmers at next week's Royal Welsh Show.

HSE and fire service staff will be in attendance at the FUW pavilion throughout the four days (July 23-26) of the show to provide advice and guidance to all those working in the agricultural industry.

Principal inspector for HSE in Wales Nick O'Connor said: "It is a sobering thought that although agriculture only represents about 1.4 per cent of the workforce, it accounts for up to 20 per cent of all reported work-related fatalities in Great Britain.

"It's important, though, to remember we still have one of the lowest rates of workplace deaths in Europe, but one death is still one too many.

"As we come to a busy time of year, and some may be tempted to take shortcuts, farmers need to spend time tackling the real dangers that they and their workers face.

"HSE invites farmers to visit them at the FUW pavilion so they can help them take sensible steps to control the health and safety risks in their business."