FUW welcomes financial support for rural charities but wants more done to avert fallen stock crisis

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the Welsh Government’s commitment of £500,000 to farm charities to help address problems caused by the severe weather conditions, but has demanded more action to address problems with fallen stock.

In a statement issued earlier today (April 16), Natural Resources and Food Minister Alun Davies announced grants of £100,000 to Farm Crisis Network (FCN); £150,000 to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) and £250,000 to the Addington Trust.

FUW president Emyr Jones said:

“The farming industry continues to reel from the severe impacts of the freak weather experienced over the past month, and FCN, RABI and the Addington Trust have been inundated with calls from those farmers worst hit.

“The Minister’s commitment is therefore a welcome one. However, we maintain our belief that more must be done to address the disaster which has hit many of our communities.”

Mr Jones also called for more action to address the issue of fallen stock collection.

“Almost three weeks ago we warned of an imminent and escalating problem regarding fallen stock collection. That problem is continuing to escalate as more and more animals buried under the snows come to light, yet the derogation is being restricted.

“We are being inundated by calls from members who have been waiting weeks for fallen stock to be collected, and as the weather warms up horrendous scenes are developing.”

Mr Jones said the FUW had already called for a reduction in the red tape associated with all burial derogations and for burial to be allowed across Wales.

“We have also called for a time limit to be set so that if animals are not collected within a few days of being arranged, farmers can bury them.

“If this is not allowed, I am extremely concerned that a severe animal and human health issue will develop. We have seen it happen before and we warned the Welsh Government weeks ago that it will happen again if they do not take more proactive steps. I do not want to be in an ‘I told you so’ position.”