If #FarmingMatters are close to your heart, don’t forget to vote

Those who have #FarmingMatters close to their heart are today being urged to make sure their vote is counted in the General Election on Thursday, 8 June.

The FUW, who since 1955 has been protecting and advancing the interests of those who derive an income from Welsh agriculture, has held hustings in all parts of Wales in the run up to the election, giving voters the chance to hear from all political parties about their vision for agriculture.

“Many of us will have attended the hustings organised by the FUW, listening to the arguments from all political parties, as well as keeping a close eye on the election debates broadcast on TV.

“We are a politically neutral organisation and have always worked with all political parties to ensure the best outcome for our rural communities, from our beautiful coasts to our highest peaks, and all those who derive an income from agriculture,” said FUW President Glyn Roberts.

“This vote is very important to the future of our country. We must have the full spectrum of opinions in this election and that includes our rural and young voices.

“We have met with General Election candidates from all major Welsh and UK parties to outline the Union’s key priorities for agriculture and outlined our manifesto demands, including our key demand that the next Government negotiates Brexit transitional arrangements with the EU which allow sufficient time to reach agreement on trade and other matters which are in the interests of Wales, the UK and the remaining 27 EU Member States,” added Mr Roberts.

Mr Roberts added that if we don’t want to see Wales and farming being turned into an open air museum, agriculture has to be recognised for the role it plays in keeping rural communities alive.

“We want to see a vibrant future for real people and agriculture is a key player in that. Therefore, I would urge everyone who has #FarmingMatters close to their heart to make the commitment to take to the polls, regardless of their political persuasions,” added Glyn Roberts.