Members urged to make SAF appointments

[caption id="attachment_6081" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Your local County Executive Officer will help you fill in your SAF form – make an appointment today. Your local County Executive Officer will help you fill in your SAF form – make an appointment today.[/caption]

Members of the Farmers’ Union of Wales are being urged to contact their local FUW office as soon as possible, if they wish to receive assistance completing their 2016 SAF forms.

FUW Montgomeryshire County Executive Officer, Emyr Wyn Davies, said: “The free service that we exclusively provide to all members to alleviate the pain of form completion has proved invaluable for thousands of members over the years.

“While we hope the forms will be easier to complete this year than in 2015, the volume of work is still likely to be significant.

“The only way in which to manage this is to ensure appointments are made sooner rather than later.”

Mr Davies said the FUW had urged Welsh Government to release SAFs as early as possible in order to spread the workload.

“However, the slow processing of the 2015 forms coupled with the high number of appeals, particularly in relation to alleged over-declarations, means extra work in terms of checking the accuracy of the data on the 2016 SAF,” he added.

Contact details for local county offices can be found on the FUW website at