Be aware of rogue traders - FUW Ceredigion warns

The Ceredigion branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is warning its members to be vigilant following a report of rogue traders making the rounds in the county.

The notice, which was issued by Dyfed Powys Police, warns that the various rogue traders are offering general building work, replacing roofing tiles and plastics, as well as some offering Tarmacadaming work.

FUW Ceredigion County Executive Officer Mared Rand Jones, said: “ These people offer to do basic work for a small charge and once the job has been completed - if at all - the costs go up.

“These people can get quite aggressive, demanding their cash. They will even drive their victims to a bank so they can take the cash out.

“It is illegal to sell door to door and I don’t want any of our members to fall for their sales pitch. If you do get cold callers to your door say “NO” and report the incident to the police immediately.”