FUW Brecon and Radnor host successful Sheep Tales evening

The Brecon and Radnor branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales held a Sheep Tales event on Friday January 29, at the FUW Pavilion as part of the FUW county celebrations for the Union’s 60th anniversary.

The county branch further used the opportunity to raise money for the British Heart Foundation Cymru and with a raffle collected £97 for the charity.

The funny and thought-provoking entertainment in words and song about shepherds and shepherding drawn from newly-collected oral history interviews with sheep farming folk (and the occasional sheep!) were performed by storyteller and songbird Sally Tonge and BBC Radio 4 producer Chris Eldon Lee of the veteran comedy trio Three Men in a Bowtie.

Members and friends of the Union enjoyed a hearty beef stew and a choice of apple crumble or chocolate fudge cake prepared by County Admin Assistant Kath Shaw and her mum Fran and served by all the County staff.

FUW Brecon and Radnor county executive officer, Aled Jones, said: “We have enjoyed a very successful and enjoyable evening and it is of course down the to the support of our members and those who have supported us in sponsorship that we were able to raise a nice amount of money for our chosen charity.

“Heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer, claiming around 73,000 lives a year – that’s an average of 200 lives every day.

“I’m glad that the money we have raised with this event will support research projects into heart disease around the UK. Nearly all of us have been affected by this disease in some way or another.

“Millions of adults and children which could be one of our friends or a family member might need help from BHF and we look forward to further fundraising events in the future.”