Be countryside smart this Easter break - FUW warns

[caption id="attachment_6242" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]FUW urges dog walkers to keep their pets on a lead when walking the countryside FUW urges dog walkers to keep their pets on a lead when walking the countryside[/caption]

The utter shocking and devastating images circulating around once again of sheep who have been savagely attacked by dogs and died as a result come as a stark warning to those who are thinking of enjoying the countryside this Easter break with their dog on the loose.

Recent Police figures reveal that there have been 68 attacks on sheep over the last year in Wales, a figure far too high according to the Farmers’ Union of Wales.

“Looking at these figures - even one attack is one too many,” said FUW President Glyn Roberts.

With the weather improving and the Easter holidays around the corner many people are going to visit the countryside to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery in Wales but with lambing in full swing the FUW is asking dog walkers to take extra care to reduce the risks to heavily pregnant ewes and newly born lambs.

“Recently we have seen an overall increase in the UK in sheep being attacked and this is why we are calling on the support of the public to help minimise incidents of attacks on livestock by dogs.

“The weather is warming up and many people want to visit the countryside, so we are appealing to dog owners to follow the Countryside Code to keep their dogs under close control, preferably on a lead when using public paths where livestock is present.

“Of course we don’t want to alienate dog walkers by advocating draconian measures, but we would ask that owners keep dogs on a lead around livestock,” added Mr Roberts.


The Union has supported the Farmers Guardian ‘Take the Lead’ campaign since its launch in 2014 and continues to spread the message to the farming and non-farming community.

“If you see livestock in a field, even if there is a public footpath, please keep your dog on a lead. Sheep suffer greatly when they are chased, worried or attacked by dogs and ewes may be extra protective of their young at this time of year.

“We want to work with the public on this matter and hope that with a common sense approach we can all enjoy the countryside together and keep our livestock and pets safe,” added Mr Roberts.