Gwent farmers to question Welsh Assembly election candidates

The Gwent branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has organised a hustings on Tuesday April 26, at Abergavenny Rugby Club, commencing at 7.30pm.

Speaking at the hustings are candidates for the Monmouthshire constituency, Nick Ramsey (Conservative), Catherine Fookes (Labour), Jonathan Clark (Plaid Cymru) and Veronica German (Liberal Democrats).

Representatives from the Green Party, UKIP, and an independent candidate are yet to confirm, but all said they would be available on this date.

FUW County Executive Officer Glyn Davies said: “I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our members and friends of the Union to join us for this important event.

“It is paramount that we make an informed decision on May 5 and I urge you not to miss out on the opportunity to speak to your local election candidates.”

For more information contact the Abergavenny office on 01873 853 280