Struggling with SAF? FUW is here to help

[caption id="attachment_6081" align="alignleft" width="300"]Your local County Executive Officer will help you fill in your SAF form – make an appointment today. Your local County Executive Officer will help you fill in your SAF form – make an appointment today.[/caption]

If you’re struggling with your SAF (Single Application Form) - don’t worry. Members of Farmers’ Union of Wales staff across the country are helping farmers with their 2016 applications.

The industry will remember from last year, the extremely complicated process of completing the SAF forms – struggles that FUW members of staff have experienced first-hand when helping members fill out their forms.

Having completed over 1000 SAFs already since the application window opened in March, FUW staff are not only well trained but very well practised in dealing with the complex application process.

FUW Managing Director Alan Davies said: “The SAF completion process is probably the single most important form completion exercise being carried out by Welsh farmers since 2004, and the financial repercussions of errors on the forms are severe.

“Since the Welsh Government mandated that all applications should be done online, we've focused on providing the best possible service to our members.We can also do this for non-members, once they join the Union!

“Our staff are well trained and up to speed with the process, so I encourage our members and first time form fillers to contact their local office as soon as possible to book an appointment if they need help in filling out the form.”

The 2016 SAF will be used to request the allocation of BPS entitlements for New Entrants or new Young Farmers, and to claim Basic payment Scheme.

Completed SAF together with any necessary supporting documents must be submitted to the Welsh Government by Monday 16 May to avoid late submission penalties.