‘Britain Stronger in Europe’ designated as the official Remain campaign in June's EU referendum

euflagsThe announcement made by the Electoral Commission that ‘Britain Stronger in Europe’ is the official Remain campaign ahead of June’s EU referendum has been applauded by the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW).

The FUW threw its weight behind the “Britain Stronger in Europe” campaign 2 months ago as the first farming union in the UK and will continue to work with the campaign Board in Wales to ensure that Britain remains a member of the European Union.

“The Union sees this as the optimal way to protect our rural economies, especially when it comes to support from the Common Agricultural Policy, which flows to farms and then inevitably to many local businesses,” said Union Managing Director Alan Davies.

The FUW echoed the campaign's executive director Will Straw’s sentiment, who was delighted that the Electoral Commission have recognised that Britain Stronger in Europe has the breadth of support, the unity of purpose and the campaigning organisation to be the official Remain campaign in the upcoming referendum.

“We are pleased to be an official partner of this campaign and will increase our efforts to make the argument to remain in the EU over the coming weeks.

“We are holding a number of EU debates over the coming weeks, details of which will be provided soon,” added Mr Davies.