Next Welsh Government must appoint dedicated farming and rural affairs minister, says FUW

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has emphasised the importance of appointing a dedicated minister with responsibilities for farming and rural affairs.

“Agriculture and rural affairs are key to our economy, and central to addressing and dealing with the major challenges of our generation,” said FUW President Glyn Roberts.

“With issues such as climate change and water management dominating agendas such as those listed in the Well-being of Future Generations Act, we need a dedicated minister to fight for the interests of our rural communities – communities for which agriculture is a cornerstone,” he added.

Mr Roberts said the call tied in with the FUW’s vision of a Rural Powerhouse for Wales which recognises the central role agriculture and rural areas must play in addressing the challenges of the future, while ensuring the focus does not just fall on the M4 and A55 corridors.

“This can only be done by having a full minister who sits on the Welsh Government cabinet and has responsibilities for agriculture and rural affairs.

“The FUW looks forward to working closely with the incoming Government in order to ensure priorities are met for rural Wales and Wales as a whole,” he added.

Under the previous Welsh administration the agricultural portfolio was moved between ministers and deputy ministers a number of times following Welsh cabinet reshuffles.