A positive move with a call for new food labelling requirements

[caption id="attachment_6370" align="alignleft" width="300"]FUW Policy Officer Charlotte Priddy FUW Policy Officer Charlotte Priddy[/caption]

The Farmers’ Union of Wales, a longstanding campaigner for food products displaying clear and trustworthy information for consumers, has welcomed a decision by the European Parliament to call on the European Commission to introduce a mandatory requirement to display origin information.

Evidence shows that consumers in Wales want Welsh and British produce.

According to reports published by the European Commission 90 per cent of consumers felt it was important that origin information was displayed on fresh and processed meat and consumer surveys have revealed that the origin is an important purchase factor for milk, dairy and meat products.

In Strasbourg yesterday (Thursday, May 12) a full parliament voted to approve a non-binding resolution.

The resolution requests the commission to look again at its position and ‘implement the mandatory indication of country of origin for all kinds of drinking milk, dairy products and meat products’, as well as highlighting the need for clarity within food labelling.

The resolution also emphasises the success of voluntary labelling schemes, as advocated by the European Commission.

However, MEPs felt that this could lead to confusion for customers with the possibility of several schemes being established. The resolution argues that legislation on labelling should be brought forward ‘as a priority’.

FUW Policy Officer Charlotte Priddy said: “This is an important step in maintaining customer confidence. Transparent supply chains help to promote the safety and integrity of produce which is something we should be proud of.

“In particular, the call for a mandatory labelling of the origin of milk comes at an important time considering the dairy crisis. It will serve as a helpful factor in protecting the quality of dairy products, combating food fraud and even go some way to protect employment within the dairy sector.”