FUW chairmen discuss Brexit implications for Wales ahead of meeting with Welsh Ministers

The widespread uncertainty facing Welsh agriculture and the rural economy, and how agriculture might best be supported following an exit from the European Union, were key topics of discussion during a meeting of Farmers’ Union of Wales standing committee and county branch chairmen today.

The meeting took place ahead of a meeting with Welsh Ministers Carwyn Jones and Lesley Griffiths.

During the meeting, members emphasised the need for a reasonable timetable for negotiations and a smooth transition for the country was supported. Members also emphasised that a fair and sustainable future for Wales and its rural economy and agriculture could only be secured if farm incomes improved.

FUW President Glyn Roberts, who chaired the meeting, said "There were a wider range of questions, from the impact Brexit could have on our TB eradication programme and our exports, to the impact Brexit could have on devolution and the Barnett Formula.

"There was general agreement that the Brexit timetable would make far more sense if aligned with the EU budgetary period which ends in 2020, since the work associated with negotiations, discussions, and legislative changes during an exit process is unprecedented."

Mr Roberts said that, having been involved in the CAP negotiations with Welsh Government and the EU from 2008 onwards, and having witnessed first hand the problems caused by having to accelerated negotiations over a short period, the Union was well aware of the problems which could follow a hasty Brexit.

Mr Roberts said that the meeting was the first of many which would take place with members over the coming weeks, months and years, in order to ensure that the needs of agriculture and rural economies were met during the forthcoming negotiations and beyond.