FUW welcomes merger of new minister's roles

The Farmers' Union of Wales today congratulated Alun Davies on his appointment as Welsh Government natural resources and food minister and welcomed the merger of his previous responsibilities for agriculture, fisheries and food with those of the former environment minister under a single portfolio.

"We have had major concerns regarding the splitting of the previous rural affairs department since Mr Davies was appointed deputy minister nearly two years ago," said FUW president Emyr Jones.

"Since then the union has tried to give the new administration the benefit of the doubt despite those concerns regarding the impact of dividing key agricultural issues between ministerial portfolios.

"Major changes were needed to ensure agricultural issues are dealt with in a more coordinated manner, particularly when policies impact upon agriculture and the environment and the interdependence between these issues continues to be a key topic in negotiations over the future of the Common Agricultural Policy.

"We wish Mr Davies all the best in his new role as Minister and hope to be discussing those issues of concern to our members at a meeting in the near future."