FUW Pembrokeshire hands over big cheque for cancer charity

Well over £2,000 has been raised by the Farmers' Union of Wales Pembrokeshire branch for the union president's chosen charity - Cancer Research Wales.

President Emyr Jones was presented by county chairman John Savins with a cheque for £2,152.85 consisting of £1,244.71 from the sale of FUW Pembrokeshire calendars, £500 match funding from Lloyds TSB Foundation and £408.14 raised through donations and a raffle.

Following the presentation at a recent county executive committee meeting the branch received a further £21.14 in donations.

Mr Savins offered special thanks to Lloyds TSB's Haverfordwest-based agricultural business manager Anne Callan who helped with the production and sale of the calendar and arranged the match funding.

He also thanked all the local businesses that sponsored the calendar and Pembrokeshire organic milk producers Trioni Ltd for sponsoring the competition for children aged between four and 18 who submitted photographs - depicting Farm Life, The Countryside or Wildlife within the county - from which the images for the calendar were selected.

"The competition was a roaring success, attracting hundreds of entries from across Pembrokeshire," Mr Savins added.

"It ensured that we as farmers maintain a strong link with young people so that they understand the way food is produced in this country."


[caption id="attachment_2350" align="aligncenter" width="1024"](from left) John Savins, Anne Callan and Emyr Jones (from left) John Savins, Anne Callan and Emyr Jones[/caption]