FUW calls for emergency action to help weather hit farmers

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has called on the Welsh Government to introduce emergency aid and a derogation to allow fallen stock burial in recognition of the severe hardships and livestock losses caused to farmers by the weather conditions.

Farmers already struggling to cope with the impact of one of the wettest years in history and a massive fall in incomes have reported high ewe and lamb loses, massive pressures on livestock housing, collapsed or unstable buildings and severe shortages of grass and fodder.

FUW president Emyr Jones, who farms near Bala in North Wales, said the weather was the worst for the time of year he had ever seen.

“With the lambing season getting into full swing and fodder and grass shortages already hitting us hard, the freak snowstorms and bitterly cold weather could not have come at a worse time,” said Mr Jones.

“Normally at this time of year we would be turning ewes and lambs out into green fields and clement weather.

“Farmers in many areas have their backs to the wall, and I dread to think what will be revealed when the snow melts. In many areas every building is being used to house livestock, and animals which have to be turned out are going out onto deep snow and arctic conditions.

“The ewe and lamb losses are heart breaking, and the lack of hill support payments this year for the first time in sixty years or so could not have come at a worse time,” added Mr Jones.

In a letter to Natural Resources and Food Minister Alun Davies, Mr Jones states: “…such adversities will exacerbate problems caused by the 41% fall in net farm incomes predicted for the 2012-2013 financial year. This is particularly the case for those in the Severely Disadvantages Areas worst hit by the snow, where net farm incomes are already forecast to be down by 60% to £10,000.

“The beginning of April is also the time when tack animals return home, and many farmers are extremely concerned about how they will be able to cope with these animals, particularly in those areas still covered in snow.

“In light of the above, I would urge you to reconsider the Union’s request for a winter feed hardship fund as a matter of urgency.”

The letter also emphasises the significant livestock losses being experienced on farms, and the likelihood that numbers will grow as those animals it has not been possible to find and rescue are revealed by the retreating snow.

“We have a ridiculous situation whereby it is illegal under EU Regulations to bury animals, and have to pay for them to be removed and disposed of,” said Mr Jones.

“However, a derogation is available in exceptional circumstances, and we desperately need this to be applied.”

Mr Jones’ letter states: “It is also imperative that a derogation be introduced to allow farmers to bury fallen stock. If this does not take place, the challenges of collecting large numbers of fallen stock from farms, coupled with the high costs of fallen stock collection, will result in more pressures on the farming industry, and may represent a significant disease risk as the weather warms up.”

The FUW has requested a meeting with the Minister to discuss the severe impact of the weather on farmers across Wales.