FUW urges farmers to check NRW slurry guidance

The Farmers' Union of Wales today advised Welsh farmers to follow Natural Resources Wales (NRW) guidance to help them manage slurry storage and spreading given the recent wet weather.

FUW land use and parliamentary committee chairman Gavin Williams said: "The NRW guidance offers advice on best practice and legal requirements to help farmers deal with the problems caused by full slurry stores and waterlogged land.

"The current atrocious weather conditions are making life difficult for farmers. The storms and heavy rain of the past two months have left them with full slurry stores and waterlogged fields unsuitable for spreading.

"The NRW guidance provides farmers with advice on creating short-term extra storage and, if this is not an option, guidance on spreading slurry whilst minimising the pollution risk and meeting legal guidelines."

The guidance can be found on the NRW website: naturalresourceswales.gov.uk