Brexit - FUW asks what’s next?

94 BREXITThe Farmers’ Union of Wales has today launched their agricultural post box at the Royal Welsh Show (Monday, July 18) and is encouraging visitors throughout the show week to post their concerns, ideas and comments about the way forward for agriculture following the EU referendum result.

The FUW has made it clear since the referendum result was made public that the exit strategy from the European Union must be carefully planned and should under no circumstances be rushed.

In line with public opinion, the family farm is recognised as the powerhouse of our rural economies and the most appropriate source of UK agricultural produce and therefore it is critical to the rural economy as a whole that #FarmingMatters are at the top of the priority list of those who are shaping the future post-Brexit.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “It is the future that matters. We must give it 100 percent and create the best outcome for the whole of Wales. Every crisis is an opportunity to find positive solutions and we must find those positive solutions.

“That is why we are calling on our members, farmers and all those second and third sector businesses that are directly or indirectly involved with agriculture to make their voices heard and help us in shaping the future for a strong, prosperous, rural economy post-Brexit.

“I would ask all those who visit the show this week to stop by our pavilion and fill in one of our comment cards and post them in the grass-roots ballot box. We will be revealing the result of the suggestions, concerns and ideas on Thursday (July 21) during our ‘Developing the right solution for agriculture in Wales’ seminar at 11am, to which I would like to invite you all.”

The message from the FUW is clear - Rural Wales needs to be recognised for the part that it can play in building a vibrant Wales and we aim to lead that argument to ensure that everyone realises that #FarmingMatters, especially in a world post-Brexit.