FUW discusses lamb export market with USDA

[caption id="attachment_6645" align="alignleft" width="300"]Discussing future lamb export markets are FUW Vice President Richard Vaughan, Stan Phillips USDA and FUW F&O member Brian Bowen Discussing future lamb export markets are FUW Vice President Richard Vaughan, Stan Phillips USDA and FUW F&O member Brian Bowen[/caption]

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has met with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to discuss the future of the Welsh agricultural industry post Brexit.

Union representatives met with USDA representatives Stan Phillips, Counselor for Agricultural Affairs and Steve Knight, Agricultural Specialist, on the first day of the Royal Welsh Show (Monday 18 July).

“We welcomed the opportunity to provide an insight into Wales’ current political, economic and social situation and share information about our farming sector with the US Department of Agriculture here at the Royal Welsh Show,” said FUW Vice President Richard Vaughan following the meeting.

“Sharing experiences and information with our US colleagues is vital in the process of establishing an export market for our Welsh Lamb and Beef but also for us to learn about how they legislate their home agricultural industry,” he added.

“Now more than ever we need to explore other markets, and the US market is one we are keen to develop much stronger relationships with,” said Mr Vaughan .

“The FUW was pleased to hear that significant progress has been made on Welsh lambs exports into the US and we will be interested to see how this market develops in the future”, added Mr Vaughan.