Sheep and Goat keepers - have you submitted your annual inventory for 2020?

Sheep and goat keepers in Wales are being reminded to submit their annual inventory form by Thursday 30 January, to avoid potential penalties.

The form can be submitted by either logging onto the EID Cymru website (, or by returning the paper form in the pre-paid envelope.

FUW Pembrokeshire County Executive Officer Rebecca Voyle said: “The annual inventory of sheep and goats is a legal requirement and it is vital that you recorded all the sheep and goats of which you are the registered keeper, by CPH location on 1 January 2020. 

“The number of sheep/goats you declare must include breeding sheep, rams, ram lambs, store and finished lambs, cull ewes/rams, goats and any other sheep.

“It is important that you do this to avoid a potential cross-compliance penalty and an increased likelihood of an inspection.”

If you require assistance, contact the EIDCymru service helpline 01970 636959 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Glamorgan farmers host breakfast events to promote quality premium local produce

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and it is a great opportunity to talk and share your thoughts before starting the day.

In order to promote the health benefits and have a good catch up before the day starts, the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) Glamorgan team is once again hosting a farmhouse breakfast on:

Tuesday, January 21: Cwm Farm Shop, Treorchy, CF42 6DL

Friday, January 24: Cowbridge Lesser Hall, CF71 7DD

A joint breakfast with the FUW Gwent team has also been arranged on Monday, January 20 at Llanbradach Community Centre, Caerphilly, CF83 3LS.

FUW Glamorgan County Chairman Richard Walker said: “We all get really excited about our farmhouse breakfast every year. We can start the day together with family, friends and neighbours, in a positive way and at the same time raise money for our charitable cause, the DPJ Foundation.

“All of us are looking forward to yet another good turnout. It’s fair to say that a healthy start is not just good for a healthy heart but also for a healthy mind.”

The FUW’s Farmhouse breakfast week (Monday 20 January - Sunday 26 January) also provides an opportunity to promote the quality premium local produce that farmers grow in a sustainable way, and throughout breakfast week the FUW will shine a spotlight on the importance of our rural economy.

“I hope many of you will be able to join us for breakfast. We want you to be a part of what we do, and share your thoughts and worries about the state of the industry, tell us your stories and help us to understand how we can help each other, and what better way to do that than around a table where we share great food and have a cup of tea,” added Richard Walker.

To book your seat at the table, contact the FUW’s Glamorgan office on 01446 774838. 

Denbigh and Flint farmers invite you for breakfast week

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and it is a great opportunity to talk and share your thoughts before starting the day.

In order to promote the health benefits and have a good catch up before the day starts, the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) Denbigh and Flint team is once again hosting a farmhouse breakfast on:

Friday, January 24: Cefn Meiriadog Chapel festri, Llanelwy

Saturday, January 25: Rhosesmor Village Hall, Rhosesmor, CH7 6PQ

FUW Denbigh County Chairman Dylan Roberts said: “We all get really excited about our farmhouse breakfast every year. We can start the day together with family, friends and neighbours, in a positive way and at the same time raise money for our charitable cause, the DPJ Foundation.

“All of us are looking forward to yet another good turnout. It’s fair to say that a healthy start is not just good for a healthy heart but also for a healthy mind.”

The FUW’s Farmhouse breakfast week (Monday 20 January - Sunday 26 January) also provides an opportunity to promote the quality premium local produce that farmers grow in a sustainable way, and throughout breakfast week the FUW will shine a spotlight on the importance of our rural economy.

“I hope many of you will be able to join us for breakfast. We want you to be a part of what we do, and share your thoughts and worries about the state of the industry, tell us your stories and help us to understand how we can help each other, and what better way to do that than around a table where we share great food and have a cup of tea,” added FUW Flint County Chairman Melvyn Vaughan.

To book your seat at the table, contact the FUW’s Ruthin office on 01824 707198. 

The Conservatives and Plaid Cymru seek the votes of Dwyfor Meirionnydd farmers

Members of Eryri and Meirionnydd Young Farmers Clubs, as well as NFU Cymru and the FUW, recently had the opportunity to hear from two of the General Election prospective candidates at Porthmadog Football Club.

Liz Saville Roberts and Tomos Dafydd Davies, from Plaid Cymru and the Conservatives respectively, came along to address a strong audience of farmers who were keen to hear about both parties' vision for the industry.

Members took the opportunity to put questions to the candidates which focused on rural banking, financing agri-businesses, as well as environmental issues, and law and order.

But Brexit was undoubtedly the main themes of the evening with the issues raised all revolving around the potential effects of leaving the European Union, on the livelihood of the electorate.

Sion Ifans, County Chairman of the FUW and chair of the meeting, said: “It was good to see both candidates giving their time to talk to the agricultural industry - it is encouraging that both parties see the importance of the agricultural industry from within the Dwyfor Meirionnydd constituency.”

Emlyn Roberts, County Chairman of NFU Cymru added: “Both candidates have been very open in their discussions with us. Those who listened to them have a broader understanding of their proposals and I hope the discussion that has taken place will help them reach a decision on where to cast their vote.

New Year message from FUW President

Even before December 12th, 2019 had been one of the most unusual periods in British politics in recent decades, as arguments over Brexit further divided Parliament, political parties and the nation; Government ministers continued to resign in droves; three proposed Brexit dates came and went; MPs were expelled from or defected between parties; and the Westminster Government was defeated in court cases that went to the very heart of the UK’s parliamentary democracy.

Against this often bewildering background, growing concerns about the impact of climate change led to the rapid rise of the Extinction Rebellion movement and commitments to slash UK greenhouse gas emissions, while for Welsh farmers it has increasingly felt that the media has deliberately adopted an anti-red meat agenda by failing to discriminate between the environmental footprint of different forms of food production around the globe.

Closer to home, with rock-bottom beef prices already shattering confidence, the Welsh Government’s plans to introduce costly regulations in the form of an effective all-Wales Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) merely added to fears, while the conciliatory tone of a consultation on future Welsh farm support suggested that at least some of the dangers of the proposals put forward in 2018 had been recognised - but not the core worry that Wales deserves a dynamic, carefully crafted scheme aimed at tackling modern challenges, rather than one based on the decades-old concept of payments for environmental public goods.

With the December 12th election results having delivered a seventy-eight seat majority to the Conservatives, including many in traditional Labour-voting constituencies, 2020 will be a very different year to what it might otherwise have been.

Firstly, and most importantly, this majority has meant Parliament has now ratified the EU Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration, meaning the UK will almost certainly leave the European Union on the 31st January 2020, triggering an eleven-month period of UK-EU negotiations during which a long term trade deal with the EU will hopefully be agreed and ratified.

As such, February 1st 2020 marks the start of the ‘real’ Brexit negotiations, and for most people it is likely to feel like very little has changed.

Many have speculated that the extension of the Withdrawal Period to beyond December 2020 is likely, given the complexity of what must be negotiated and the infrastructure, such as new border controls, that must be put in place before the end of the period.

While keeping the promise to ‘get Brexit done’ rapidly will be a political focus for Boris Johnson, the FUW maintains its long-held view that we must get Brexit done safely, over a realistic timescale that ensures a UK- EU trade deal which delivers full and unfettered access for our Welsh produce to EU markets.

With the UK Government now representing many former Labour constituencies where jobs in manufacturing and other areas are particularly reliant on access to EU markets, and a majority that significantly dilutes the power within the Conservative party of those who support harder forms of Brexit, this raises some hopes that an UK-EU trade deal which is more favourable for Welsh farmers might be secured.

However, the obstacles to achieving this are significant, given the apparent clash between the stated objectives of the Conservative Party in relation to increased sovereignty and freedom to trade with non-EU countries, and the EU’s desire to protect its internal markets and standards.

Of course, with February 1st 2020 also marking the date on which formal trade negotiations can start with countries such as the USA - a country with an economy which is seven times more powerful than that of the UK - the risk that we might sign up to disadvantageous deals which introduce unfair competition from farmers in countries where health, hygiene, welfare and environmental standards fall well short of those required of us, remains a real spectre.

Far from being unfounded, there is plenty of evidence that such disadvantageous trade deals could not only be struck, but that UK farmers could simultaneously be hit with further restrictions and regulations: Successive agriculture ministers have spoken about raising UK standards and restricting animal movements after Brexit, while leaked notes from informal UK-US trade discussions held earlier this year refer to lowering food standards and reducing food labelling to allow imports of US food, as well as the exclusion of conditions relating to climate change from any future trade agreement.

With environmental issues, and in particular greenhouse gas emissions, a clear priority for all UK political parties, and a US administration which denies the very existence of man-made climate change and allows production standards UK farmers would regard as unethical, the political desire to show a trade deal can be reached with the US must not be allowed to compromise our farming and food industry.

Critical to trade negotiations over the coming year will be the tariffs and Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs)  which apply on imported goods - taxes and limits which can be adjusted in order to secure better deals with other countries. But with the Import Tariff (Reduction) Bill 2017-19 setting draft tariff and TRQ rates at bargain basement levels for agricultural imports, and suggestions by the Prime Minister that checks on imports from Northern Ireland may not even be applied, it is imperative that the new UK Government review these rates and align them with those of the EU. And if there is any suggestion that UK producers and standards are to be compromised through a trade deal, whether with the US or elsewhere, our industry must be prepared to stand up and make its objections known.

Whichever political party they represent, MPs from rural constituencies in particular must recognise the dangers for their constituents of trade deals which disadvantage farming, while we must hope that, in the interest of a well-functioning democracy, those parties which have been so damaged by the election quickly regroup to take up the essential role of becoming effective in opposition, and scrutinising Government.

While the Brexit issue clearly inflicted damage on Labour and the Liberal Democrats at the 2019 election, this was far from being the only factor, and many Labour politicians have been open in expressing their fear that the party has lost touch with traditional working communities through its adoption of a far-left cosmopolitan agenda.

As the central Labour Party take stock, and deliberate as to whether or not this is the case, it is also important for Welsh Labour and Assembly Members from all parties to do the same: After twenty years of devolution, Cardiff Bay seems more remote than ever for the working families in our farming and rural communities, while radical policies such as plans to open up rural access for canoeists and mountain-bikers seem aimed far more at pleasing the cosmopolitan urban elite than meeting the needs of hard-working families.

Such frank statements make uncomfortable reading, but I make no apology for telling it as it is; and with 2020 likely to be critical to the future of our industry we will continue over the coming year to ensure our family farms are placed at the heart of all future policies.

This would not be possible without the commitment of FUW staff and officials across Wales, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work in 2019, and wish all Members, staff and colleagues all the very best for 2020.

FUW looks forward to Farmhouse breakfast week 2020

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and it is a great opportunity to talk and share your thoughts before starting the day.

In order to promote the health benefits and have a good catch up before the day starts, Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) teams across the country are once again hosting a variety of farmhouse breakfasts (Monday 20 - Sunday 26 January 2020) and the FUW is also once again taking the farmhouse breakfast to Cardiff on Tuesday 21 January.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “We all get really excited about our farmhouse breakfasts every year. We can start the day together with family, friends and neighbours, in a positive way and at the same time raise money for our charitable cause, the DPJ Foundation.

“All of us are looking forward to yet another good turnout in January. It’s fair to say that a healthy start is not just good for a healthy heart but also for a healthy mind.”

The FUW’s Farmhouse breakfast week also provides an opportunity to promote the quality premium local produce that farmers grow for us every day of the year, and throughout breakfast week the FUW will shine a spotlight on the importance of our rural economy.

“I hope many of you will be able to join us for breakfast. We want you to be a part of what we do, and share your thoughts and worries about the state of the industry, tell us your stories and help us to understand how we can help each other, and what better way to do that than around a table where we share great food and have a cup of tea,” added Glyn Roberts.

Details for breakfast events near you can be obtained from the local FUW office.
