Agriculture carries the highest rate of suicide of any occupation, and at this time of year the pressures of lambing, long hours working alone late into the night, with little rest and often no one to talk to, can increase the pressures on farmers.
Farming leaders have welcomed last night’s Bill in Parliament which, if approved by the Lords, will enshrine in law that the UK must ask EU leaders for a long extension if Theresa May fails to get her deal through parliament by April 12 - effectively ruling out a no-deal Brexit.
The UK Government’s push to increase mobile phone coverage across Wales has hidden, and potentially expensive, side effects for farmers. The revised Electronic Communication Code means that Telecom operators have been able to cut rents paid to those with masts on their land.
An all Wales meeting of Farmers’ Union of Wales leaders has unanimously called on the Government to give more time to deliver on Brexit, following the latest voting in Parliament.
With just ten days to go before the UK is due to leave the EU the FUW has reiterated its call for Article 50 to be revoked, calling it the ‘only safe way’ to respect parliament’s overwhelming rejection of no-deal.Last night (April 1) parliament voted on four Brexit options but all were rejected, and today the Cabinet will hold an emergency meeting to consider a way forward.Under the current law the UK is due to leave the EU on April 12 with or without a deal.
The FUW has responded to the third defeat in Parliament of the government’s withdrawal deal saying that revoking Article 50 is the only way to guarantee a safe and orderly Brexit. The call came after Prime Minister Theresa May’s third attempt to secure parliament’s backing for her withdrawal agreement was defeated by 344 to 286 votes.
FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “With power over the Brexit process now resting firmly with Parliament, MPs need to recognise that withdrawing Article 50 is the only way to secure sufficient time to allow a consensus to be reached which bridges the political divides which exist within and between parties.”