The Farmers' Union of Wales today welcomed deputy agriculture minister Alun Davies' statement following the union's lobbying over farmers' fears that they would be penalised if they withdrew from the Glastir land management scheme should compulsory greening be introduced as a result of CAP reform.

"We have been lobbying the Minister since the publication of the CAP 'greening' proposals as we were concerned those farmers entering Glastir could be disadvantaged if, after 2014, the things they were being paid for under Glastir became compulsory under the new greening element of the CAP," said FUW land use and parliamentary committee chairman Gavin Williams.

"The fact that farmers will now be able to withdraw from their agreements if this becomes a reality is a positive move as is the clarification that any capital items already undertaken can be reimbursed in full," said Mr Williams, of Llynfaes, Anglesey.

"Farmers were concerned that as they had to undertake their capital works early in the scheme agreement, if the scheme then became untenable due to the CAP reforms they would be out of pocket as payments for the works are paid over the five years of the agreement.

"The FUW has lobbied hard on this issue, so we welcome his announcement that Glastir contracts will allow farmers to withdraw from the scheme without penalty or repayment should substantive changes to the scheme be introduced as a consequence of the possible 'greening' of Pillar 1 payments of the CAP.

"We are pleased that the Minister has offered this re-assurance to farmers considering signing up to Glastir this year that they will not be disadvantaged," Mr Williams added.


The Farmers' Union of Wales today expressed its disappointment with the Welsh Government's decision to confirm a designation order to extend the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley area of outstanding natural beauty.

FUW Denbighshire and Flintshire counties executive officer Marian Jones said members would be disappointed that the union''s objections and concerns over the impact the designation would have on farming and local communities within the area had been ignored.

She said: "It has long been recognised that farming has helped to create and maintain the landscape in this area of Wales.

"We are naturally very disappointed that despite the majority of respondents objecting to the plans outlined in the draft designation order consultation, the Welsh Government will allow the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) to pursue its proposal to extend the Clwydian Range AONB.

"It is the farming systems employed by generations of farmers which have created the landscape so cherished by the visitors who contribute significantly to the economy of the local area."

The FUW formally objected to the extension of the Clwydian Range AONB on the basis that sustainable development, both on-farm and within rural communities, would be stifled by the more onerous planning controls applied in designated areas.

"The union also believes that, given the number of existing designations in the area, any further designation is unnecessary and will only serve to increase the bureaucracy and red tape encountered by farmers.

"For rural communities to prosper and survive they need to be able to continually evolve and develop over time. The union is concerned that the increasing levels of statutory designation in rural areas could have a negative effect on development in these areas and encourage the stagnation of the Welsh countryside at the expense of thriving rural communities and its indigenous industries.

"Rather than considering further designations of any kind, which can foster resentment in rural areas, more effort should be made to encourage a partnership approach to conservation through positive policies, such as agri-environment schemes, encouraging diversification and working with rural people."


[caption id="attachment_4568" align="aligncenter" width="500"]CHRISTMAS CARD DESIGN COMPETITION WINNERS CHRISTMAS CARD DESIGN COMPETITION WINNERS[/caption]

Cancer Research Wales - the Farmers’ Union of Wales president’s chosen charity - is a winner thanks to a national children's competition to design a Christmas Card.

"The competition was a roaring success, attracting hundreds of entries from across Wales," said FUW president Emyr Jones.

"The standard of entries was very high and presented the judges with a tough task when it came to choosing the winners. I would like to thank every single child who entered the competition, and to tell them that without their participation the contest would not have been such a success.

"I would also like to thank the schools up and down the country who have assisted the FUW in the running of this competition," said Mr Jones.

"It gave children in both the urban and rural areas of Wales an opportunity to connect with the farming industry and to express their thoughts in a creative and colourful way.

“I believe it is vital that we as farmers maintain a strong link with young people so that they understand the way that food is produced in this country."

The competition, run by the FUW, was split into two categories - English and Welsh designs. The criterion for the entries was that they should depict a farming scene with a Christmas theme.

The Welsh category was won by nine-year-old Rhys Williams, a pupil at Ysgol Llanafan near Aberystwyth. His winning design depicted Santa Claus driving a tractor and a row of sheep at the bottom.

The winner of the English category was nine-year-old Alex Mary Charman, a pupil at Priory Church in Wales School, Brecon, whose winning picture showed Santa flying into the sky on a tractor pulled by a reindeer. Both participants win a £25 Argos voucher plus £100 of Atebol vouchers for their respective schools.

A last minute decision by the judging panel also saw five-year-old Gwilym Workman of Brecon, a pupil at Ysgol Pontsenni, being selected for a prize as they were delighted with his design of a snow man. Gwilym will also receive a £25 Argos voucher.

All the competition entries will form a colourful centrepiece to the FUW's stand at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in Builth Wells on November 28 and 29, where the public will be able to purchase the cards in packs of 10 for £5 with the proceeds going to Cancer Research Wales.

The cards are also available to purchase from FUW offices around the country or by mail order from the union's head office in Aberystwyth.


[caption id="attachment_4565" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Mark Williams MP ,left, FUW Ceredigion county president John Hughes ,centre, and county chairman Fred Williams with county executive committee members in the background Mark Williams MP ,left, FUW Ceredigion county president John Hughes ,centre, and county chairman Fred Williams with county executive committee members in the background[/caption]

Next year's planned fuel duty rises could have a devastating effect on the Welsh farming industry, Ceredigion MP Mark Williams has been told.

Farmers’ Union of Wales members in Ceredigion have met Mr Williams to express their concerns about the Westminster Government plans to put up fuel duty in January and August next year.

"These rises will add 7.3p per litre or 33p per gallon to the already massive cost of petrol and diesel," said FUW Ceredigion county executive officer Adrian Evans today, just before the Commons debate on lower fuel prices.

"Fuel price rises of this nature could have a devastating result for farmers and all the rural communities in general as a car is essential in the countryside with public transport being so poor.

"Whilst Mr Williams supported the Government in suspending the proposed rise in duty during this year, the proposal made initially by the previous Government is still on the table for increases in 2012.

"Mr Williams was left in no doubt by FUW Ceredigion members how he should vote. There has to be important gestures by Westminster to the farming and rural community."

FUW president Emyr Jones said: "We have regularly highlighted the need for an equitable system that reflects the unique needs of rural Wales yet in recent years we have seen the most significant rises in fuel prices in history.

"Nowhere have these rises impacted more than in rural Wales where the majority of domestic journeys must be made by car and businesses, particularly farm businesses, rely significantly upon diesel vehicles.

"In view of the acute and growing pressure that rises in fuel prices represent for rural Welsh businesses, I believe that we have reached a critical point at which action must be taken by the present Chancellor to significantly reduce fuel tax in order to aid the economy.

"I also believe that an equitable vehicle taxation system must be sought that recognises the stark differences between those who choose to drive 4x4 vehicles and those who do so out of necessity.

"The impact of having to pay higher rates of fuel taxes in rural areas is also exacerbated by the fact that fuel prices are usually higher in such areas.

"Our members believe that a system which recognises the disproportionate level of fuel tax paid in rural areas should be introduced, possibly in the form of a tax rebate for rural dwellers."


[caption id="attachment_4979" align="aligncenter" width="300"]From left to right: MC Roopert Moon, Rhodri Glyn Thomas, Carwyn Jones, Julian Sayers Gareth, Erys Hughes, Gareth Vaughan and Elin Jones From left to right: MC Roopert Moon, Rhodri Glyn Thomas, Carwyn Jones, Julian Sayers Gareth, Erys Hughes, Gareth Vaughan and Elin Jones[/caption]

Leading Welsh Assembly politicians paid tribute to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) for its dedicated work - especially during the devastating foot and mouth disease outbreaks of 2001 and 2007 - at a Farmers' Union of Wales dinner to celebrate the institution's 150th anniversary.

First Minister Carwyn Jones, who was Rural Affairs Minister for two years from July 2000, told 160 diners at Parc y Scarlets, Llanelli, he remembers the fear of the Welsh farming industry when the 2001 outbreak first hit. "It was the fear of not knowing what would happen next and that fear was very real.

"One of the things that I remember is the work of RABI at that time. An occasion like this shows the dedicated work that RABI has provided for so many years to the farming industry and I hope that work will continue for many, many years.

"Farming is never easy and when I was Rural Affairs Minister I got to learn that farming is such an important way of life. I think we have come a long way since then and farming is in better shape now than 10 years ago.

"There is now far more of a connection between people and farming and what people want to buy. If we put our mind to it we can go out there and sell Welsh Lamb, Welsh Beef and our other products because they are the best in the world and now we realise that people want the best."

Current Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones said she first came to know about all the good work of RABI from the fund-raising activities in her Ceredigion constituency. "I then came across RABI again in discussions regarding the foot and mouth outbreak in August 2007.

"That outbreak wasn't as dramatic or traumatic as 2001 but it still shut off the trade and export in lamb in the autumn of that year and it had such a dramatic effect on farmers. I was struck by the work that RABI did in supporting farmers in that difficult time in such a quiet way.

"It's very fashionable at the moment to say that the 'Big Society' is so important but the 'Big Society' in Wales has been happening for a very long time and RABI has been at the forefront of that work. I want to thank them for the way they have been supporting Welsh life and society for the past 150 years."

RABI chief executive Julian Sayers said: "We have been hearing about how we supported farmers during the foot and mouth outbreaks and I hope it will never happen again but should it do so RABI will be there to help again.

"Nowadays, thank God, farming is being given the recognition it deserves. Let's hope the farming industry will remain profitable for many years to come because it is vital that we attract young blood into the industry and young people will only come into an industry if it is successful.

"Our charity is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago because we have a vital role to play."

Local AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas praised the work of RABI and pointed out that in Wales it handed out a total of ££282,103 to beneficiaries last year. The total amount raised in Wales was ££29,368 with Carmarthenshire topping the list by raising ££6,225.

FUW president Gareth Vaughan said many of the union's members and staff served on RABI committees the length and breadth of Wales and he was proud of the close working relationship between both organisations.

Caption -

RABI AWARD: During the dinner Gareth Vaughan (second from right) presented the FUW’s perpetual cup for “outstanding service to Welsh agriculture” to Erys Hughes, RABI’s Wales regional officer for the past 11 years. They are flanked (from left) by dinner MC Rupert Moon, Rhodri Glyn Thomas, Carwyn Jones, Julian Sayers and Elin Jones.
