Primary school pupils invited to submit #FarmingMatters Christmas card design in aid of BHF Cymru

Primary school pupils from all over Wales are being invited to enter a Christmas card design themed #FarmingMatters for the Farmers’ Union of Wales annual Christmas card competition.

The FUW is asking children aged from four to 11 to design a Christmas scene showing why #FarmingMatters for its Christmas cards, which will be sold to raise money for the Union’s charity British Heart Foundation Cymru.

FUW president Glyn Roberts said: “The competition will be split into Welsh language and English language categories. Children can use any media in their entries, such as crayons, coloured pencils, felt tipped pens or paint which must be completed on an A4 sheet of paper.

“The only stipulation is that it must be a Christmas card showing why #FarmingMatters. The competition was a huge success last year and we hope we can once again count on the support of our primary schools all over Wales.”

The winner of each category will receive a £30 gift voucher for themselves, a packet of the Christmas cards depicting their design, one day’s free admittance to the 2016 Royal Welsh Winter Fair to receive their prizes and a £50 cheque for their school.

The winning entries, together with a selection of other entries, will be displayed at the FUW stand during the Winter Fair (November 28-29).

The closing date for entries is Friday November 11.

The pupil’s name, age, class number, school name and home address must be included on all entries, which should be posted or delivered to the FUW, Llys Amaeth, Plas Gogerddan, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3BT, marked “Schools Competition”, or e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is still time to tell us what matters to you post - Brexit, FUW says

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is today reminding all those who have an interest in farming and rural affairs to make their views clear via the Union’s online survey.

Current figures from the survey suggest that 43% of respondents are excited about the referendum result, whilst 51 % feel anxious about what’s to come once the UK leaves the European Union.

Through the survey of Welsh farms the FUW aims to find out what farmers in Wales want for the future following the EU Referendum and it is designed to give all those who fill in the survey the chance to comment on some of the major issues relating to the types of agricultural policies that might best benefit Wales after the UK leaves the European Union.

In addition, the survey has space for individual comments on how Welsh farming and our rural communities could or should change in a way which improves our financial, environmental and cultural sustainability.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “The FUW wants to hear from all of you who recognise that #FarmingMatters and who would like to get involved in shaping our future here in Wales. Now is the time to draft the policies we want to see implemented once we have made an exit from the European Union and your opinion on these issues matters a great deal to us. So if you haven’t filled out the online survey yet, please do so and encourage your family, friends and neighbours to do the same.”

The online survey is available bilingually on the FUW website at:

Bovine TB will cost us trade deals with Europe, FUW reminds AMs

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding all Assembly Members that the current levels of Bovine TB in Wales will cost us trade deals with Europe if there is no change in policy.

The Union welcomes the call for a debate on the eradication of bovine TB in cattle and wildlife at the National Assembly but stresses it is imperative that all AMs back the motion in a bid to achieve an effective change in levels of bTB outbreaks.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “We welcome the support for the motion but urge all the other Assembly Members to throw their support behind the debate.

“Every single AM needs to recognise that the problem of bovine TB in Wales will have catastrophic consequences for our future trade negotiations if the disease status in our wildlife is not addressed as a matter of urgency.

“This debate is an opportunity for cross-party co-operation on an issue which has significant emotional and financial implications for many farmers in Wales and we need the support of the whole Assembly to achieve a change in policy.”

The FUW continues to highlight that current levels of Bovine TB in Wales are in excess of what will be acceptable to other EU countries when the UK is outside the single market and the Union is deeply concerned that the current disease status has the potential to be a challenging negotiation tool, especially given the the vacuum created by post vaccination failure.

The motion was put forward by Plaid Cymru Mid and West Assembly Member Simon Thomas, Shadow Cabinet member for Energy, Climate Change and Rural Affairs and is supported by AM for North Wales Ll?r Gruffydd, Mid and West Wales AM Neil Hamilton and Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies.

FUW enjoys busy International Sheep Dog Trials

[caption id="attachment_6950" align="alignleft" width="300"]International Trial President Geraint Owen (l) with FUW Finance and Organisation Committee Member Dewi Owen International Trial President Geraint Owen (l) with FUW Finance and Organisation Committee Member Dewi Owen[/caption]

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has enjoyed three busy and successful days at the International Sheep Dog Trials, held at Sandilands farm, Tywyn.

The Union was represented by the Meirionnydd branch and they were delighted to welcome members and all those participating in the Sheep Dog Trials to the stand.

The FUW was an official sponsor of the event and of course also provided the Wales team with their official jackets.

International Trial President Geraint Owen, who hosted the International Sheep Dog Trials, said: “It was a privilege and honour to be asked to be the International President for this year's International Sheep Dog Trials.

“I was very proud to be involved with a small dedicated local committee and was amazed at the work and organisation needed to hold such a large event.  The standard of competition over the three days was exceptionally high and I warmly congratulate the Welsh team on their success.”

Geraint Owen of Sandilands farm, Tywyn is also the Chairman of the local FUW Tywyn branch and has had close connections with the FUW over many years.

Sandilands is a Beef and Sheep farm with around 2000 breeding ewes and 200 breeding limousines and limousine cross suckler cows.

The Owen family have farmed at Sandilands since 1938 when Geraint’s grandparents took over the farm.  Geraint is the third generation to farm here in partnership with his father Bryn and brother Hugh.  They also have a very successful caravan park business where his sisters Sian and Bethan are active partners.

[caption id="attachment_6951" align="alignright" width="300"]FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones welcomes Liz Saville Roberts MP to the FUW stand at the International Sheep Dog Trials FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones welcomes Liz Saville Roberts MP to the FUW stand at the International Sheep Dog Trials[/caption]

Geraint and and his wife Annest married in 1992 and have two daughters, Lowri and Catrin who play an important and active part in the business on both the farming and tourism side.  Annest, Catrin and Lowri also run the bar and restaurant at the Woodlands/Bronffynnon site which is approximately 3 miles from Sandilands.

[caption id="attachment_6952" align="alignleft" width="150"]Talking Shop - FUW Vice President Richard Vaughan (l) with BWMB Producer Communications Manager Gareth Jones Talking Shop - FUW Vice President Richard Vaughan (l) with BWMB Producer Communications Manager Gareth Jones[/caption]

FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones said: “The fields where the trials were held were in a truly fascinating location, with outstanding views over the Dysynni valley, and perfect for an event such as this.

“I would like to thank all of the Union staff and officials who have been at hand over the three days to help in manning the stand and of course their kind assistance in setting up.

“Last but not least, I would like to congratulate the Wales team on their excellent achievements, the competition was truly intense and a wonderful display of how well dog and handlers work together.”

FUW Online lobbying tool available to help highlight that Farming Matters

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging all those who have an interest in farming matters and who believe that our agricultural industry is the backbone of the rural economy to make their voices heard at all levels, by messaging their elected representatives through an online lobbying tool on the Union’s website.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Whilst our officials are out continuously lobbying key decision makers and politicians at Westminster and Cardiff level, our members can also lobby their elected politicians.

“Currently based on our #FarmingMatters campaign, members and all those who recognise the importance of a thriving rural economy can find their elected representatives by entering a postcode and then choosing who they want to email.

“There is a pre-written campaign letter available for use, but it can be amended that if you so wish. The more we remind politicians about the importance of farming and its role in the rural economy, the more chance there is that our rural economy will survive and prosper.”

The prepared campaign letter states that the individual wishes to highlight the importance of ensuring agriculture and our rural economy are given sufficient prominence during forthcoming discussions, negotiations and decisions following the referendum on EU membership held on June 23.

It further outlines that farm businesses, and family farms in particular, are an essential part of the economic, social, and cultural fabric of Wales; around two out of every five rural businesses are classed as being involved in the farming industry (Welsh Assembly Government, 2001), while agriculture is estimated to support over 10 percent of Wales’ full time employees (Central Science Laboratories, 2003).

The letter further draws attention to the fact that around 60,000 people are employed on farm holdings in Wales, in addition to the thousands employed in businesses which are reliant on agriculture such as contractors, feed and machinery merchants, mechanics etc.

Wider contributions to our economy are also well documented, for example in terms of tourism, while agriculture has been acknowledged as the single most significant contributor to an estimated £1.9 billion worth of wildlife based activity in Wales per annum (Mabis, 2007).

In light of this, those who are submitting the letter to their elected politicians through the FUW website, urge them to recognise the degree to which farming matters to their constituency, Wales, and the UK, including in terms of food security at a time of global instability, and is asking them to do all they can to prevent the devastating impact further cuts in farm incomes would have not just for agriculture, but for our entire rural economy.
