FUW welcomes positive first meeting with natural resources minister

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has described a first meeting with natural resources minister Carl Sargeant today as extremely positive.

The minister was accompanied by deputy food and farming minister Rebecca Evans.

After the meeting, FUW deputy president Glyn Roberts said: "We discussed a broad range of issues of concern to the industry including Wales' strategy for agriculture, bovine TB, and the implementation of the Working Smarter principles in all relevant areas of work undertaken by the Welsh Government.

"There was a broad consensus of agreement on a range of issues and a welcome recognition by all parties that there are some areas where differences of opinion will exist but that this should not be an obstacle to working together in order to secure a sustainable future for agriculture."

Mr Roberts said that a number of concerns regarding the recently-announced Nature Fund were also discussed. "There is some concern that the Nature Fund projects announced to date have not been as farmer-focussed as they could have been,” he said.

"While a number of concerns remain, we welcome the minister's acknowledgement of the key role farmers and land managers should play in delivering environmental and economic benefits through the Nature Fund and any similar schemes."

Mr Roberts said the FUW looked forward to a long and positive working relationship with both the minister and deputy minister.

[caption id="attachment_3500" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]FUW deputy president, Glyn Roberts FUW deputy president, Glyn Roberts[/caption]

Farmers urged to register for training before deadline

The Farmers' Union of Wales is urging farmers to ensure they make the most of the funding available for training under the current Rural Development Plan before it closes to new applications on Friday of next week (November 28).

"Whilst the training itself can be undertaken up to March 2015, farmers must ensure they have applied before the November deadline to take advantage of the 80 per cent funding rate," said chairman of the union's agricultural education and training committee Alun Edwards.

Farmers are also being reminded that "Grandfather Rights" for pesticide spraying will come to an end on 26 November 2015.

"So those born before 31 December 1964 and have not already registered to undertake their Certificate of Competence shouldn’t wait until spraying time to take advantage of the funding available under this Rural Development Plan because we do not yet know how training is likely to be funded under the next programme," said Mr Edwards.


FUW leader welcomes £3.2m boost for Welsh red meat

A project worth well over £3 million to promote Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef in four European countries over the next three years was described by Farmers' Union of Wales president Emyr Jones today as a major boost for Welsh livestock farmers.

Mr Jones, who runs a family beef and sheep farm near Bala in Snowdonia, said: "It is encouraging news that Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has once again been awarded millions of Euros to raise awareness of the special qualities of our Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef.

"It is a major boost to the Welsh livestock industry that HCC will be able to stress to consumers on the Continent exactly why Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef have been awarded the all-important Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status by the European Commission.

"This new funding will further help HCC to build on the positive efforts they have already made to develop the overseas markets for our red meat from animals born and raised in Wales to the highest standards," Mr Jones added.

Deputy food and farming minister Rebecca Evans announced the €4.1m (£3,214) funding boost at HCC's annual conference last Thursday.

The scheme involves the promotion of the qualities of PGI, using Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef as examples, in Germany and Italy. The promotional programme in Sweden and Denmark will focus on PGI Welsh Lamb only.

It is the second time that HCC has been successful in gaining European funding for PGI promotional campaigns. In 2011, HCC was awarded €4 million to promote PGI Welsh Lamb in the UK, France, Germany and Italy over a three-year period.

FUW Denbigh members raise financial and farming issues

[caption id="attachment_3166" align="aligncenter" width="640"]FUW DENBIGH AGM: From left, Rheinallt Hughes, Sion Aron Jones, Prysor Williams, Iwan Jones, Bryn Edmunds and John Roberts FUW DENBIGH AGM: From left, Rheinallt Hughes, Sion Aron Jones, Prysor Williams, Iwan Jones, Bryn Edmunds and John Roberts[/caption]

Topics ranging from the future of the Euro, the UK interest rate, the prospects for the red meat industry and a new Defra initiative for upland farming were discussed by an excellent turnout of members at the Farmers' Union of Wales Denbigh county branch annual general meeting on Monday November 10.

Members enjoyed an interesting and informative evening during the meeting at the Brookhouse Mill, near Denbigh, where they had the opportunity to question and debate a number of agricultural and other topical issues with a panel of guest speakers.

The panel consisted of HSBC senior agriculture bank manager Bryn Edmunds, Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) industry development manager Sion Aron Jones and Bangor University environmental management lecturer Prysor Williams.

Mr Edmunds gave a bank’s perspective on the recent and long-term trends in interest rates, exchange rates and loan facilities (both historical and into the future) for various types of on-farm investments.

Mr Jones provided an overview of HCC’s strategic action plan for the Welsh red meat industry by identifying objectives, actions and outcomes which will seek to address the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities facing the industry.

Dr Williams gave members an insight into new research that has been commissioned by Defra looking at the “sustainable intensification” of agriculture in the UK.

Bangor University’s Henfaes Farm has been chosen as one of five sites across the UK for the project and it will specifically study the effects of intensification on upland "ffridd"-type land over the next three years.

The research will involve experiments using traditional improvement techniques whilst comparing more innovative technology to see the impacts on both agricultural production and habitats and wildlife populations.

In his annual report to the members, county chairman John Roberts revealed that the Denbigh branch had once again been particularly busy. Several shows had been attended during the summer which followed an excellent Farmhouse Breakfast Week series of events in January.

In September members of FUW's Denbighshire and Flintshire branches had together raised over £4,000 as a result of the union’s Wales Coast Path charity walk and a social evening that followed.

In addition, area officer Gwyn Williams was thanked for his 39 years’ service to the union and the county and all present wished him well for his retirement.

The meeting closed with a vote of thanks by county vice chairman Rheinallt Hughes who thanked the panelists for their contribution to the meeting and county president Iwan Jones for chairing the evening.

FUW hosts General Election hustings

The Caernarfonshire Branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has organised a General Election hustings for its members this Friday November 7, at the Marine Hotel, Cricieth, starting at 7.30pm, an evening that will be kindly sponsored by HSBC once again.

FUW county chairman Dafydd Gwyndaf said: “It will be an ideal opportunity to listen to what the candidates for all parties have to offer the Dwyfor Meirionnydd constituency, and to agriculture and rural areas in general. We believe it’s essential for electors to have the chance to ask questions to the candidates as well as to listen to their views and opinions.

“There will be an opportunity for all to have their say during the evening as well as hear each party’s aspirations for Wales, for the future of the UK and our future in Europe. There will be light refreshments for all at the end of the meeting.”

Four party representatives will take part – Steve Churchman (Liberal Democrat), Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru), Mary Griffiths Clarke (Labour) and Neil Fairlamb (Conservative).

For more information or to book your place, contact the Caernarfonshire County Office on 01286 672 541.

FUW welcomes Welsh Government badger survey

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the launch today (Monday November 3) of a survey of badgers found dead in Wales.

The survey is being conducted as part of the Welsh Government’s Bovine TB Eradication Programme and badgers found dead will be taken for post-mortem examination.

FUW TB spokesman Brian Walters said: “It is now eight years since the last Wales-wide survey of badgers was undertaken by the Government.

“That survey was extremely useful in identifying national and regional prevalence of bovine TB in badgers, so we welcome the launch of this new survey and would encourage anyone who sees a dead badger to report it.”

The Welsh Government is asking those who come across a dead badger to note the location and call the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on 0300 303 8268. The line is open during normal office hours, Monday to Friday.

APHA will, where practicable, endeavour to collect all carcasses reported. However, they also warned that it is important people do not handle dead badgers or interfere with a carcass in any way.

The previous Wales-wide badger found dead survey was carried out between October 26, 2005 and May 31, 2006. A total of 727 badgers found dead were reported to the State Veterinary Service, 459 of which were considered suitable for examination.

Across Wales the prevalence of bovine TB in badgers was found to be 13%, with estimates of prevalence highest in Gwent (26%) southern Powys (25%), Carmarthenshire (16%) and Pembrokeshire (15%).

In the more northerly parts of Wales levels were lower, but nevertheless concerning, being 7% in northern Powys, 3% in Ceredigion, 5% in northwest Wales and 3% in north-east Wales. By comparison, the proportion of Welsh cattle which tested positive for bTB in 2007 was 0.6%.
